Tiffany and Jake came all the way from Dallas, TX to have a small intimate mountain wedding in Breckenridge, Colorado. This wedding day was filled with their closest family and friends. This weekend was the weekend of the Breckenridge forest fires. The day before for the wedding I messaged the Tiffany freaking out a little makeing sure we were not in an evacuated area and that we were still good to have hare mountain wedding. Thankfully we were all the way across town from the fires and the wedding was going as planned.
Well once I arrived to the wedding house, I was greeted by some family members saying there was another fire. Well I looked in my rearview mirror and I could see the helicopters dumping water on the fire. Lets just say I was freaking out just a little. The wedding went on and a short time later the fire was out. After the fire we were then dodging the rain, today was very eventful and I could not be happier for these two. They had already been through so much, I just wanted them to have their perfect mountain wedding in Colorado